Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Entertainment Law Course this Friday!

Copyright 2009 Tonya M. Evans Limited license granted to copy and distribute this post provided such copying and distributing is of the entire post, and includes the author's copyright and contact information. All other rights reserved.

I am the Course Planner of a half-day informative and engaging PBI continuing legal education course titled Entertainment Law in the Twenty-First Century: Effective Representation in an Ever-Changing World. I've assembled a stellar panel of industry expert so this is an excellent way to stay on the leading edge of entertainment law and get CLE 4 CLE Credits and an Ethics credit to boot (for you lawyers out there)!

It will be live in Mechanicsburg, simulcast to Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and offered via Webcast as well ... ah, the 21st century, indeed!

Description: Representing both emerging and established entertainers in the 21st century is far from a simple matter of drafting contracts, licensing rights and following the money. Now in a global economy with multimedia platforms, the entertainment lawyer’s knowledge base must encompass a wide range of areas, including contracts, business law, intellectual property, litigation and estate planning -- both in the United States and internationally.

This program addresses this twenty-first century reality and provides pointers to areas of interest and concern in representing entertainers at every level of their careers. Top industry attorneys and professionals will cover contractual issues and techniques related to the "who, what, where, when, how and how much," including unique issues in representing emerging and independent artists. Additionally, we will provide survey coverage of intellectual property issues in entertainment, including idea protection, copyright and trademark and right of publicity; particularly as those areas relate to new and multimedia formats. Finally, the panel will address ethical issues lawyers face when representing entertainers, most notably the ethics of lawyer as agent.

Topics include:

The Zealous Advocate

  • Part One: Representing the independent artist or company
  • Part Two: Local Representation in a Global Economy

A Done Deal

  • A look at key clauses and issues in music, book publishing and RTVF deals.
  • Effective negotiating techniques to get the deal done

Maximizing Value of New Media for Your Clients

  • Intellectual property issues, multimedia entertainment and a new look at an ever-evolving question
  • Peer-to-Peer vs. Piracy: where are we now?

Ethical Issues in Representing Entertainers

    Click here for more information.